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Esimene projektipartnerite kohtumine Kortrijkis

The partnership will meet physically several times during the lifespan of the project (nearly every half year, according to the delivery of the outputs). These project meetings play a crucial role in the quality management of iRead in VET and offer the partnership the opportunity to discuss different steps of the project and work together on the different outputs. During the first TPM we discussed the outlines for the next years. As we finally met live after the Corona Pandemic it was a very nice atmosphere during the meeting. After the general content of the project we set up the disseminationplan and the timing of the outputs, linked with the next TPM's. The design of the logo was finalized and the idea of social media was built. The meeting with Brecht, the CEO from Play-it, was very valuable. After some general ideas we started brainstorming about the environment and content of the game. As it is important that the students are attracted to use the game, our schools in Tienen (PISO) en Kehtna will ask the students what they want in the game. This will be the base for the final disussion about the game. One thing is sure: the game won't be boring at all and will challenge the students in different ways. In our next newsletters, you will hear more about it for sure! As Close Reading will be the methodology used in the game, HOWEST gave a session about Close Reading. During this session we also discussed how it could be used during the project and the plan of professionalization for the teachers was made. The importance of the choice of texts used was pointed out as well. Of course there was some free time as well (luckily!). We showed our partners the beautiful city of Kortrijk by a guided tour. The enthusiasm of the guide made this tour a surprising and interesting tour! Beside this we also were guided by the HOWEST to visit their Campus. For sure the Penta was a highlight and it was a pleasure to have our meetings there, but also the visit of their Digital Arts & Entertainment - where many games are born - was very exciting.

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